Bluefin in the Sea of Cortez

Friday, June 1, 2012


After an interesting trip inland in Mexico, we have come back to Melbourne for about 5 months to see family and friends.
We have left the boat on the coast nr an incredibly hot place called Tapachula.  See on sidebar Google map where it is.  The daily temperature is early 30’s but the humidity is around 90%.  We are only a few miles from the Guatamala border.  The marina is new and well protected BUT the water is dirty because of all the factory emissions further inland,  Well, can’t have everything.

We travelled to San Cristobal de la Casas in Mayan country up in the mountains - interesting old town with a lot of the original town intact and Mayans walking the streets with tourist items for sale.  Side visit to Chumula - very much still a Mayan town with a main Church where rituals with chickens are still held for sickness, good weather, crops etc.  Then on to the Mayan ruins at Palanque which date back to 226BC.  They were discovered in the 18th Century but not until 1949 that excavations started and only now 10% has been explored.  It is a constant struggle to keep the jungle at bay and not covered the ruins now.
 Mexico City next for a feast of Museums and churches - lots to do and see there with the Archeological Museum being the highlight.

I have put photos on the albums on the side bar

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